Staff Me Up verifies all of their job posters to ensure that our users feel confident that they are applying to legitimate positions. If someone offers you a job, and you are unsure of the legitimacy of the job, you can report it to us at or flag the listing through the platform.
Our Terms of Service are in place to ensure a safe and fair environment for all of our users. Should you come across a listing that you believe belongs outside of Staff Me Up, You can flag a listing by clicking on the “flag” icon at the top right of the job’s Apply page, just above the “Apply Now” button.
A pop-up will appear that will allow you to select choices from a pull-down list, or you can select “OTHER” to enter your own reason.
When finished, click the SUBMIT button and our team will review it.
A few tips:
NEVER give out your bank information to anyone via e-mail
NEVER accept advance checks from companies you’ve applied to online. If they want you to pay for stuff in advance, ask them to call ahead and put it on their credit card.
Scammers will pose as a real company or person, and will direct you to a legit website. Their e-mail address likely never has the same domain as the legit web address; a letter may be omitted or added.
If a company offers direct deposit, you will receive a form in person on your start date; it should never be requested in advance via email.
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