On the Legacy site experience, job posters can close a job and send their applicants a thank you letter. Thank you letters close the job application loop and give all your applicants a positive experience with your brand.
Job postings are automatically closed 48 hours after the job’s start date. At that point, SMU will update the job status to show the applicant that the job poster is in the final hiring stages. Or, a job poster can close the listing before the 48-hour mark by telling us they have filled the position. In this case, we tell applicants the position was filled.
Once the job poster has indicated the job is closed, they are directed to a page where they can say if they hired someone from SMU. This serves two purposes: (1) to let us know how good a job we’re doing and (2) to ensure your hire doesn’t receive the same thank you message as the applicants who weren’t selected.
After selecting who they hired, the job poster can then write a note to the remaining job applicants to thank them for applying and let them know the job was filled.
After the job poster clicks save, a notification is sent to the SMU support team, who will review the thank you letter against some rules and then approve the letter for release.
This will go out to the applicants who did not get the position. On an applicant’s “Jobs I’ve Applied To” Page, the job will show as closed and the applicant will know they are available to seek another job for that time period.
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