Job Seeker FAQs
- JOB SEEKER: Enhanced Site Experience Coming Soon!
- JOB SEEKER: Where are Recommendations?
- JOB SEEKER: Welcome to Staff Me Up!
- JOB SEEKER: Top Tips from Job Posters
- JOB SEEKER: We've made some improvements to the site
- Chat Support
Premium Membership and Features
- JOB SEEKER: Pricing Page
- How to Pause Membership
- JOB SEEKER: What is rank?
- Reactivate your subscription
- How Do I Change My Subscription or Billing Information?
- It Appears That Jobs are Missing from my "Jobs I’ve Applied To" Page. Why is that?
My Profile/Account
- Hey! I Didn’t Get My Validation Email!
- How can I change the photos on my profile?
- Creating an account without a phone number
- How do I unsubscribe?
- How do I get an invoice/receipt?
- JOB SEEKER: How to Update Privacy Settings